IEC 61850 Webinar Series – 6: IEC61850 Session 6 – IEC 61850-80-1 Exchanging data between IEC 61850 and IEC 101 / 104
By ASE Webinar Recording

This session covers the architecture of IEC 61850 data flow to legacy and current systems with IEC 101 / 104, different mapping scenarios between different attributes / addressing mechanism of IEC 61850 and IEC 101 / 104, and examples of mapping between CDCs of IEC 61850 to IEC 101 / 104 ASDU TI. This also details service mapping between the protocols and scenarios needed for master-to-master mapping. This session also covers what are the features added additionally to 80-1 in SYNC gateways for supporting many-to-many conversions and a detailed demo of mapping for different scenarios of 80-1 using SYNC configuration tool, Easy Connect.